27 Jul

With the increasing disputes of real estate in today’s market, residential property owners, property management companies, condominium associations, and commercial real estate developers are finding themselves in dispute at different points in their careers.

Certain real estate disputes may get resolved out of court. However, real estate litigation Brooklyn NY becomes compulsory when parties can’t agree to a proper solution. Here’s reviewing the common causes of real estate litigation and ways you can avoid them.

Failure to Reveal a Defect on Real Estate -

In maximum states, sellers should disclose known defects that aren’t evident. It might affect the value. If the purchaser discovers the undisclosed defect upon closing the property, a buyer might pursue legal actions against that seller.

The purchaser gets the right to file a lawsuit against the seller for failure to disclose the known and not evident defect. The purchaser must prove the defendant knows about the defects.

Negligence or Breach of Duty -

Real estate agents may get sued for breach of duty or negligence. Real estate agents have the legal duty to act according to the interest of their clients. Real estate agents should keep sensitive information private: the ones that are related to clients, like the financial situation.

In addition, they should be capable of performing the jobs accordingly. When real estate agents make a mistake, their clients lose money. These agents should, thus, disclose information that might benefit their clientele.

Let’s take an instance. Suppose an agent understands that real estate has defects. But if he refuses to admit it in front of the buyer, it may lead to a complicated scenario. In that case, the client gets the legal right to bring the lawsuit against the agent.

Boundary Dispute -

When parties in the real estate transfer New York haven’t correctly set forth property lines, it may result in litigation. In certain cases, the property boundaries don’t get registered correctly.

The practical property line used by people who reside at a property isn’t consistent with a legally registered property line. 

To avoid these issues, it’s best to hire a real estate attorney Brooklyn NY.

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